I was just reading through some of my older posts .... especially in groups. Please, please, please don't take anything I said a long time ago that seriously. I think I've really changed. And oh gods, all of the writing typos. *cringe* I really didn't know how to write well back then. I'm embarrassed now -
JD2005 Haha, I get it. And I can relate too. *Cringe*
lunamoonlight Lol it's okay. E v e r y p o n y used to say cringey stuff at some time in their life, if they haven't they are either lying or are in their cringey phase.
-MarshmallowSmoosh- I am stil in the cringy phase. Lol
KnightStar Tbh, my cringey phase was when I was arrogant, now I've humbled myself a bit - I think o.O
lunamoonlight Mine was when I was new to the internet and thought saying "everypony" instead of everybody was cool.