Inspired by Abigail Larson. I hate drawing her style, I love her art, but all of the angles and extreme curves are really hard to draw.
Inspired by Abigail Larson. I hate drawing her style, I love her art, but all of the angles and extreme curves are really hard to draw.
The beginning of this song has been used for so many memes, but it's a good song. I usually like their songs with Avi in them, but Matt's ain't bad. They're both good.
I looked up "how does someone with wings wear a shirt" for a drawing, I didn't expect results, if I did, probably some drawing skits, but nope, thanks to sites like Reddit, TVTropes, and Quora, there were several results. The top results being an interesting snippet from Reddit.
JD2005 Wow lol.
Ash They just hide the wings o
lunamoonlight I was trying to figure out what to have a flying girl wear. It's a kid-friendly drawing and I was trying to keep it that way lol.
For Art class, I have to make a 2-4 page comic introducing a character/showing character development... yay...
For any of you going "Wait, I thought you wanted to make comics when you're older, why do you seem unexcited?" it's because my previous comics have kinda... y'know... sucked. I had one comic going a while ago (that I totally didn't base off of The Boy In The Bubble), but I never finished it, the art sucked, and it's so cringy now, I want to burn that sketchbook. I've made a one-page comic recently with a short skit between Arwyn and Arwryn, a couple of my characters, and it wasn't really a great skit, the art still kinda sucked (I shouldn't do chibi), and again, cringe. And that's been in the last few months. the other one was maybe a year ago. So... yeah. It's mostly the angles and consistency I have problems with. And the storyline. And the mouths, they're a weak point, especially open ones while people are talking.
JHAMMER2 I did learn art in l-l 0 nn 3 (/) ( l-l 00 l group but I didn't remember anything I learned in each group (used a code because I don't want anyone know that secret)
JD2005 Oof.
GemHeart I’d like to do that but the problem is, if I don’t love the concept, I aint drawing it lol
ammyk Mouths and storylines are the only thing I’m remotely good at.
Ash It’s okay, practice makes perfect
AstrialFlames I can help, i am really good with stories. I am making one with my friend rn
lunamoonlight I'm just doing an interaction between two of my OCs.
AstrialFlames O.K.! but still, if you want help, I will still help!
I have two more drawings, however, the tops are kinda low-cut, so I'm not sure if I can post them here...
lunamoonlight They aren't too bad, but it's still kinda better safe than sorry.
JD2005 I think you should try to upload it. If KS thinks it's inappropriate, then they'll delete it instead of approving it.
GemHeart I’ve had plenty of low cut artworks, so it should be fine, as long as it isn’t sensual or huge breasts lol.
GemHeart I’ve had plenty of low cut artworks, so it should be fine, as long as it isn’t sensual or huge breasts lol.
lunamoonlight Ehh... somewhatish
lunamoonlight I mean, it's not like I'm drawing Professor *beep* from AC LOL.
A drawing of a stuffed animal named Coco.
New markers, that's my excuse for the bright and awful color palette. Based off of LavenderTowne.
JD2005 Cute, love the colors!
lunamoonlight @JD2005 Nice, I think they are hidious lol.
Riddle paradox... kinda
If someone who has told the truth their entire life says "I have told a lie", is that sentence true or a lie?
Here's where the paradox part plays in a bit- If the sentence, "I have told a lie" is false, or a lie, then that would make the sentence true, as it would be their lie, but in becoming true, it would become a lie again because the sentence would no longer be a lie if it was true, so it becomes a lie, and so forth goes on and on.
My brain works weird, I think about this more often than I should.
Ash I think that sentence is true. Idk though
GemHeart I get it o...o
GuitaristKid I cant wrap my head around it LOL
GuitaristKid owie
JHAMMER2 He is lieing
JD2005 🤯
KnightStar Ditto Gem lol
JHAMMER2 Even tho he never told a lie doesn't mean he is telling the truth
ammyk True @JHAMMER2
lunamoonlight @JHAMMER2 "someone who has told the truth their entire life"
JD2005 I like it!