251,769 Points


hilolo im the natario


I hate Spotify right now. I haven't had ads for almost the entire time I've used Spotify, and it just started giving them to me. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when I saw that getting a random M&M ad during your playlist recks the vibe. I was having this issue with it-

Me- *trying to listen to my 3DG playlist*
Spotify- *gives me ads when I try changing the song* *gives me a Rock Nation Topsify ad*
Me- *hears a song by A Day to Remember that I don't know, clicks on the banner*
Chrome- Chrome OS cannot open this tab.
Me- Well... okay then. *goes to A Day To Remember's artist page* *doesn't know the song* Well, it said new songs, this is their latest album so, *clicks on the latest album*
Spotify- *the ads from before*
Me- *waits them out* *clicks repeatedly on the album play button*
Spotify- *glitching out and keeps restarting the first song from the album because I kept clicking it* *gives me another ad for Rock Nation*
Me- Oh good gods to be determined. *searches for Rock Nation on Spotify, finds the playlist, and looks for A Day To Remember songs, there are a few* I ain't dealing with this. *looks up the 2 lyrics it gave, finds the song (Brick Wall), looks it up on YT, has it currently playing on an uninterrupted loop*

lunamoonlight I mean, the lyrics on the screen are in Spanish, but at least I can actually listen to it.

JD2005 Wow... Oof.

Ash They’re trying to get you to pay.

EloquentRacer92 Then use your Apple Music or google music

lunamoonlight I can't use Apple Music, I don't like Apple and don't have an Apple device nor do I intend on getting one. Also, Google Play Music doesn't exist anymore.

ammyk Amazon music is pretty good, but you have to pay, I think.

EloquentRacer92 Wha?? But I though google music exists


Just a thought...
We're all part of the KS fandom.

lunamoonlight @Ash Kinda. I have a cross-fandom ship between a KSer and a character from LotR (GEMLAS SHIPPERS UNITE)

GemHeart @Ash please no lol

JD2005 @lunamoonlight YASSS GEMLAS

Ash @Gem I really need to stop shipping real people in my head.

lunamoonlight @Ash I ship most of my friends with people, don't worry about it.

ammyk I don’t care if I’m late. GEMLASSSSSS

EloquentRacer92 Then I’m starting one

ammyk Elo, Oh no. You mean a fandom?

EloquentRacer92 Ok I will invite you people to make the fandom

ammyk Make the Fandom!

Shared Post

The Human Race

Some run fast, some run slow
Some fall behind and don't know which way to go
The scenery changes from seeing the track straight ahead
They see darkness closing in, they get these thoughts in their head
They could keep running, but they become used to the essence of black
They can't see anyone, they feel so alone, because it's vision they lack
They sit and ponder
They don't dare and wander
Sitting alone in the accidental mess, crying for help with a silent voice
Going backward, asking, failing, blaming themselves for their choice
Never trying to move forward, they can't, what if it hurts? What then?
But they don't understand, staying still hurts more when
They say they try, while they sit and cry and get comfortable being still
It's a heavy darkness, but you go in and out with free will

Some run fast, some run slow
Some live their lives on speed and go where no one knows
The scenery changes from seeing the track in front and back
Wait- whose back there? Some Leslie, Joe, or Jack?
High alert, scared, hearing voices, what do they do?
So scared of others, they knock them down the moment they come through
Be it foe or friend, they choose more of one than the other
So paranoid someone's out to get them, they never love another
They run on high, running backward to make sure no one is behind
But in the very end, they've become so blind
People run past them, and they don't see, they've toppled themselves
Fallen from the anxiety, the one that overwhelms
They find themselves stopping, but their feet are still running
So blind, they can stare forever, but are never seeing
They crumble, they fall, they still think someone's there
But no one is, know that, that's your paranoia you fear

Some run fast, some run slow
Some stay in the middle, although
They see so many people, how do they compare?
They care so much about what they wear
The clothes, the shoes, the price tag attached
It's a different problem than sitting, or watching your back
These people feel it, all of the others staring
If they do something wrong, others will be glaring
Eyes in the back of their heads, take a misstep, go on, dare
But honestly, would they even care?
Dear invisible audience, please, don't look
The middle's could handle your gaze, you'll read them like a book
Never-ending jealousy, greed, and insecurity
The fact that no one cares is such an obscurity
They want to be noticed, but not looked at
They need attention from invisible people, but simultaneously, not that

Some run fast, some run slow
How do you run, do you even know?

Some run fast, some run slow.

MrGoodGuy Great poem!!!!! :DDDDD

hilolo -claps-

Ash Nice job 👍

tacoboi hey luna im to lazy to read them uwu i only read a paragraph

NinjaTal1 You made that up?!

CoralSophie08 Very nice! 😁

lunamoonlight @NinjaTal1 Yes! I write poetry. I listened to Human Race by 3DG and got the idea for it, and I made this. It's not so similar that it's copying though

lunamoonlight I wanted to use a similar metaphor as 3DG did, with the human "race". So I made this. I used common mental issues as a frame for each stanza. The first is a depressive state where they've slowed and stopped trying, the second is an anxiety and paranoia state of mind where they try too hard and are scared of losing everything, then the third is "the invisible audience", or social anxiety, where they are scared of being judged, which is a very common thing, which is why I put it in the middle. I tried to include a little advice at the end of each stanza for those with those issues.

JD2005 Great job! 👏🏻

"We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness."

hilolo big brain

Ash True!

NinjaTal1 We also need negative emotions ( not to many though :) )

lunamoonlight @NinjaTal1 Nah, that's a fair point. Without negative emotions, positive ones wouldn't exist. There is no light without darkness, without it, whose to tell what's dark and what's light?

Ash @Ninga No depression ✋ 🛑

JD2005 True!

lunamoonlight @Ash Depression is more of an absence of emotion, so it's not really negative or positive it's just kinda there. But still, what I said before.

KnightStar Surprisingly I know where this quote came from.

JD2005 @KnightStar Bob Ross?

lunamoonlight Lol nope

lunamoonlight That skeleton in the beginning was weird. Most people would probably see one direction or it going back and forth. I saw the torso and up moving one direction and below the torso going the other direction. Freaked me out a second lol

Yusss I love that song! I've listened to it a million times on IHeartRadio

lunamoonlight @Yusss Ah, I see you are a person of culture as well. I'm a 3DG (Three Days Grace) fan. Mostly for their One-X album, but I like misc. ones from other albums as well.

Yusss Yep definitely lol

lunamoonlight Is it sad I never realized 3DG had two different singers? I prefer Adam over Matt, but both voices still go with the music so eh.

Yusss Also I've listened to this ;-;

Yusss XD

Ash What game is that?

lunamoonlight It's like a virtual version of The Game of Life (a boardgame, definition for those with no childhood).

NinjaTal1 Ash, you have NEVER played the game of life

Ash @Ninga No... is that not normal?

Yusss @Ash Basically

lunamoonlight Ninja* not ninga lol.

I was watching an Akidearest video. The title is "I Went to a Yaoi Cafe". I think this is the closest I've ever come to wanting to do the fangirl squeal. I like yaoi. It is cute. I had similar reactions to Aki loll.

lunamoonlight Aki's boyfriend- "What was your favorite part [of the BL cafe}?" Aki- *hesitation* "The food."