I was randomly thinking of Little Mizzi Muffet and the Spider King, and it just updated yesterday. Awesome.
lunamoonlight Woah there bud...
I'm not gonna say names cause y'all already know who I'm gonna be talking about, but this needs to just diffuse. Bringing issues up, on purpose, that aren't even that extreme doesn't help anyone. It will not get rid of the situation, it creates drama where it doesn't need to be, and it just annoys other people. Acting like this, and getting surprised when someone doesn't want to deal with you is stupid, especially when you just post about it like your completely innocent. No one is, that's why drama sucks. So to both parties of this, just stop. If neither of you says ANYTHING to each other, don't delete things, don't try to find issues, don't post about each other, the situation can dissolve, but only is BOTH parties commit, otherwise, it won't do anything, because the opposite side will be bound to retaliate if you do.
Pumpkin You're also causing drama by kicking me out of all your kidznet groups and online journals. The people causing drama are me, luna, fortniteplayer.
lunamoonlight I kicked you out of ONE group because it was personal and i don't need to share a dang thing with you about my personal thoughts and emotions. I never kicked you out of anything else.
Pumpkin You rejected my request for the cursed image group and that's not even personal.
lunamoonlight Idr that, maybe i did, idk. And i seem to remember you saying you would try to be less insensitive to others, as well as not posting about politics. As far as i am aware, you held up to your words on politics, but you are pushing it on insensitivity for others, because you keep bringing up issues hoping to "resolve" them, but you arent, you just keep the cycle going. When peo
lunamoonlight When people have to seperate themselves completely from you, just for you to leave them alone, that should be a sign to calm down. I am not saying that all of this is your fault, not at all, all participants involved had their part, but me and FP have tried to stop communicating with you to avoid getting too out of hand, so if we are unable to solve this conflict reasonably, with words, and if we just cannot agree, than agree to disagree, and let us all just move on.
Pumpkin Honestly I'm done with your behavior. I tried to apologise to you, but you just kicked me out of your groups and have been contrary on every post I made. You called the impersonating post on kidztalk clever, you have defended Nathan's actions every time he deleted my comments, and you are accusing me of deleting your comment when you don't even know me (And if I am complaining about nathan deleting my comments, I wouldn't do that to you). Additionally, you rejected my request to be in the cursed images group just to make me feel bad. You said that you hate fighting but that's just your disguise. You are just as dramatic ad me and Nathan but you act like you're better than everyone else. This message might be insensitive but you need to hear it. I am not innocent and I admitted that my behavior was wrong. You on the other hand, are acting like you are innocent.
Pumpkin You are the insensitive one.
KnightStar @kitten why u so obsessed doe? just forget about the two lol
lunamoonlight Kitten. I don't even know what to say. And if I knew better, I wouldn't say anything to you because it wouldn't turn out well regardless, but I don't know better, and I'll say this. Your apologies mean nothing if you keep this up because they are just insincere words you say so other people can't say you never apologize. You may say the words, but you don't mean them. If you think I am just as dramatic as the two of you, fine, that's your opinion, I can't say anything to change it, and maybe every time I jump into drama, trying to stop it, then maybe I am being dramatic, but whatever you want to believe is whatever you want to believe. I don't think I'm better than anyone else, but I know how to admit when I am in the wrong at least, and while I know some things I have said certainly have not helped the situation, I still take comfort in knowing I didn't start it, because no matter what you say, I didn't. I'm not innocent, neither are you, nor FortnitePlayer nor any other person involved. I have said this many times, no one is innocent, no one is right, and I really don't care for any of this, I honestly don't, but for some reason, I always get myself roped in trying to stop it. And honestly, I don't even know what we are even arguing about anymore. We've all just been fighting with each other recently for no reason, retaliating on retaliations. So try not to think of this as one, it's just a response. A plain response that requires no further commentary. If you are done with my behavior, ditto, ditto for a long time actually. So let this be the end, and we can just be done with each other in peace.
Pumpkin Okay, controll your behavior next time, Luna and I will stop.
When i might delete someone else's comment-
When their comment duplicates.
Occationally, if it is comments like fluffykitten's, i just dont have time for dat
Dat it. Nothing else.
CoralSophie08 Makes sense.
lunamoonlight Out of curiosity, Kitten, why were you on FP's page? You would not have found this post, a month old, unless you were either scrolling the feed for a whole hour, or if you were looking at FP's page.
lunamoonlight I shared this because my comment on the original post was deleted for some odd reason.
Pumpkin That was an accident because if I had wanted to delete your comments, I would've deleted both of them.
lunamoonlight Not necessarily.
lunamoonlight But a month old post proves you were on FortnitePlayer's page and trying to cause trouble.
Pumpkin Nice!
JD2005 O.O