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So my Science teacher gives out Google Forms as assignments often. He sets it so you can view other people's responses as well, not who they are though. I usually look at them. Some of the kids in my class, I- I don't know what to say. Most answers are normal, then there are kids who spell "different" as "difernt", or "microscope" as "microw skop". Then some kids just answer "no". Then some kids give ridiculous answers. All of them leave me with this facial expression and concern and fear for their future.

Pumpkin Wow...

Queeny I would probably answer "no" to a question we get on our Google forms assignments. It's where they ask us at the end of the test to tell them what we liked about the test, what to improve on, yada yada yada. Basically give feedback on the quality. If I could, my answer would be no. Just no. I don't like tests, therefore I do not like this test.

lunamoonlight No, they comment "no" on actual assignment questions

JD2005 WTH? 😑

Listening to Graveyard Picnic by Voltaire. It's got a bunch of Edgar Allen Poe references. Fun fact tho, my mom describes Voltaire's music as "gypsy pirate", which isn't inaccurate-

Emelyisaway ooo might listen :0 edgar allan poe is my favorite poet

lunamoonlight I can't say I have a favorite poet, since I have not read an awful lot of famous poets like Poe or Frost, but those two are probably up there.

My mom was talking about a CD she was upset that someone broke once, and while talking about it, she said the band that it was. It was Voltaire. SHE KNOWS. But I told her I knew them, and so we just kept playing some of their songs lol.

JD2005 lol

I watched Dead Poets Society. Wow. Just, a lot of wow. Carpe diem.

For some reason, in my food-deprived state, I smell toast-

Pumpkin best answer

lunamoonlight Lol I saw that

I am hungry, have a stomach and headache (both symptoms of hunger for me), but if I want food I have to make it... but I've only had one thing to eat today and it's 5:11 PM, so I need to eat... reheated leftovers, here I come.

CSeriestechhero EEEEEEAAAAT

JD2005 E A T

lunamoonlight I ate some mac and cheeze and hamburger (left overs) and some corn.

For a school assignment, my classmates have to watch a movie in class, answer questions, review signposts, summarize it, and give it a theme. I still have to do that, but I can pick what movie I do it on as a virtual student. So my mom and I were picking a movie to watch, and at first, I was thinking A Silent Voice, then my mom said no anime so it threw that out the window. Then I thought about movies I like that are not anime, and I thought of The Crow (awesome movie btw, little mature tho with the plot). Unfortunately, Netflix got rid of it because they are stupid, and on Amazon Prime, it costs money. So, I'm gonna watch Dead Poet's Society instead. Also, when my mom was looking on Netflix, she was on my profile, and while I don't mind her seeing my anime stuff, she luckily scrolled right past my "Continue Watching" section because the last thing I watched on Netflix was Queer Eye. Dodged some questions there.

My mom is playing music from one band. I couldn't figure out who they were. Sounded a little like A Day To Remember, but my mom doesn't listen to them, sounded a little like PATD, but I didn't recognize the songs. Only when I heard one lyric did I figure out the band-

"When I was, a young boy"
My Chemical Romance, seriously ma?

lunamoonlight Next song is by The Offspring, not sure about the song.

GemHeart mY fAther TooK mE InTo thE cItY to SeE a MarChInG bAnd; He SAId SoN WHen U grow UP— lol I’ll stop now

lunamoonlight wIlL yOu Be, ThE sAvIoR oF tHe BrOkEn, ThE bEaTeN aNd ThE (insert actual word)

Queeny sOn wHen yOU gRoW uP, JuSt sHut uP

Cases of me being a bit OCD-

When I got some new Prismacolors, 36 pack, 3 trays. As soon as I opened it, I went through and re-organized each tray so it was pink-purple, light and dark colors closer together (light green, dark green, dark blue, light blue), and then I put neutrals at the end, darkest being last. I had to. Didn't change any between trays, or on the first basic color tray since they were already in a rainbow order I liked.

When I stayed after class in Reading several times to put the books that we were reading back so they were all facing the same direction, none upsidedown, sideways, nor with the spine facing a different direction, and I missed the bus a few times since Reading was my last class.

Right now, when I have my Inbox open on email in my very first tab so I can tell if I have a new email because I can't stand seeing the notification at (1) or more.

The fact I can't have many tabs open, stresses me out to see the tabs smaller than normal and any more than 2-6, I have to close one or two that are unnecessary.

I don't have diagnosed OCD, but I can thank my dad for me having behaviors like this (my dad ain't diagnosed either, but if he got tested for OCD, he would have it without a doubt). I'm not as OCD as some people I know though. For example, my math teacher constantly changes her classroom and the way she orders class, always in a different order, with different posters and things she makes herself with not a single crooked line. If y'all knew her, you could tell.

Autumn Would dermatillomania be considered as OCD? It's like you can't stop picking your skin, and sometimes you're not aware that you're picking your skin.

lunamoonlight Could be I guess. OCD is kinda when you obsess over something and can't help but to fix it. There are different forms of OCD. I obsess over orders and objects being in them, my dad obsesses over things being clean and organized, and I saw a woman in a show with OCD who was so obsessed with every moment of her life, she could recall every moment of it since she had been a kid.

GemHeart I have OCD. I make lists, reorganize, etc, but only with artworks/markers/etc and a few other things.

KnightStar @Autumn ay man i always pick on my skin to the point i bleed and i cant control it but man im pretty sure its normal on my end

With some of my OCD, ADHD*, and other behaviors, my mom said she wonders if I'm a high-functioning autistic. Alrighty then.

*diagnosed ADHD, OCD I just have a bit of when it comes to objects in order, like colored pencils being in rainbow light-dark-light order, or books being all the same way or- well, you get the point. I can thank my dad for the OCD bit.

cactuspot12 I think I have OCD too. I have symptons, like excessive hand washing, needing everythhing to be in order, closing tabs after I'm done with them.

cactuspot12 *everything

lunamoonlight OCD portrays itself in different ways, so it can be hard to diagnose for sure. Most cases are something like that tho.