I hate when this happen when I'm watching gacha :
*bad sappy music plays the whole time* *one of my favorite songs start to play* *gacha over*
I hate when this happen when I'm watching gacha :
*bad sappy music plays the whole time* *one of my favorite songs start to play* *gacha over*
You guys know that story I wanted to make, with Emily Grace and Maya? I think I will make it! I'm gonna name it "The Story of Emily Grace". I might come out with the first chapter soon.
lunamoonlight I think I'm gonna do it in Emily's POV in first person.
lunamoonlight Alright, I just finished the first two chapters, they should be on Kidztalk soon.
JD2005 Cool! I'll read it!
KnightStar I read it, great job!
lunamoonlight I am working hard on ideas for this story
[Verse 1]
We’re we chosen
To be the new beginning
Though the sun
Surrendered its last light
This stage
As we know is ending
But we’re ready
We’ve waited for this time
Here we stand
At the genesis
As the world
Is awakenin
A new day will start again
Here we stand
At the genesis
[Verse 2]
Is the answer
A never ending battle
Are we holding
The promise yet to come
I am ready
Let me be a soldier
Marching toward
A new millennium
I posted this because it is ft. SVRCINA
lunamoonlight I have an addiction to listening to SVRCINA now. Her voice is like a freaking angel! I'm not the only one who think this, you can go to most videos with SVRCINA, I have seen many people say the same thing.
JD2005 Cool!
cookie122105 XD
What two musical artists do you wish would do something together? I wish Maria Mena and SVRCINA would do something together, their voices would be amazing together and both of them writing would by an epic song. Both of them together would automatically be my favorite song of all time!
Queeny Hmm, maybe NF and Sam Smith! I like their voices a lot, and I think together they would be great!
JD2005 Billie Eilish and... IDK!
KnightStar NF and Sam Smith!
Lion approching, what do u do?
1. Run Away
2. Make eye contact, make yourself seem bigger
Answer: 2.
lunamoonlight Plus, who the heck can outrun a lion? NOBODY!
Queeny I would do nothing tbh. If the lion doesn't see me as a threat, it won't care about me. Unless it's hungry. In that case I would do neither and say my last words.
JD2005 Same as Queeny!
cookie122105 same
KnightStar Same Queeny!!
GemHeart My last words: "PLZ PUT, 'I CANT RUN' ON MY TOMBSTONE"
YAY! I just spent the last 20 minute trying to think of an amazing book series and I JUST remembered it! It was The Mysterious Benedict Society! I read the first book but I want to read more, my last school's ELP teacher (Extended Learning Program, (The smart kids group 😉) gave it to me and a few student to read and now I'm gonna see if my library has the second book somewhere.
lunamoonlight The books are by Trenton Lee Stewart,
JD2005 Cool!
This is now on my page on Power Poetry :
Words can be so much more than communication, they can hurt people or help them heal, they can anger them or help them breathe, make people cry or make people smile, make people realize they aren't alone when they are lonely, they can speak for those without a voice and make them heard, words can help people through many many ups and downs, even those where our life is upside down, words help people feel.
JD2005 Awesome!
HorseGirl221 Luv it!
I'm evil with this riddle... But here it is :
I watched four fair creatures
traveling together; they left black tracks
behind them. The support of the bird
moved swiftly; it flew in the sky,
dived under the waves. The struggling warrior
continuously toiled, pointing out the paths
to all four over the fine gold.
What are the four fair creatures?
lunamoonlight Tell me when you give up.
lunamoonlight I'm laughing so hard right now
HorseGirl221 Uhhh, I don't know!
lunamoonlight Well, the riddle doesn't actually have an answer yet XD It's from the Exeter riddle book, which has no answer key.
Riddle Time!
Wob’s my name, if you work it out;
I’m a fair creature fashioned for battle.
When I bend and shoot a deadly shaft
from my stomach, I desire only to send
that poison as far away as possible.
When my lord, who devised this torment for me,
releases my limbs, I become longer
and, bent upon slaughter, spit out
that deadly poison that I swallowed before.
No man’s easily parted from the object
I describe; if he’s struck by what flies
from my stomach, he pays for its poison
with his strength—speedy atonement for his life.
I’ll serve no master when unstrung, only when
I’m cunningly notched. Now guess my name.
The answer is "Bow" as in a bow and arrow
HorseGirl221 lol!
My favorite thing in a gacha : I have to tell you something... I'M A BANANA! *their clothes turn yellow* *I'm a banana meme plays*
cookie122105 I AMM BANANA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cookie122105 ikr