251,769 Points

JOIN MY GROUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lunamoonlight BTW.................. THE GROUP GACHA STUDIO I MADE IS THE COVER

lunamoonlight I ALSO LEFT MY CAPS ON

lunamoonlight and if the link doesnt work the group is Gacha studio/verse/life/world lovers

cookie122105 ok

KnightStar Okay! I joined!

KnightStar Okay! I joined!

I woke up with 60 NOTAFICATIONS ON HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dat is a new record for me.

Queeny Awesome! I have 1,577!

cookie122105 cool

KnightStar I woke up with 2,396 LOL!

TylerTheDrummer I have 446, I wish I had 2,396!

KnightStar Haha XD

LouTheLuver 3,261. I am not vry up to date lol

lunamoonlight i check mine everytime i come on and press "read all" or whatever it is when i only have people liking my posts left. exsept today, i have a life to do instead of reading thro 60 notafictions, XD

KnightStar I use to check my notifications, but just gave up after a week LOL

GemHeart I woke up with 200 once...

top 10 of my favorite songs:
1. Devil's Don't Fly
2. Angel of Darkness
3. Sweet But Phycho
4. Sit Still, Look Pretty
5. Darkside
6. Wildside
7. Take A Hint
8. Different Worlds
9. Imagine
10. Song Of Peace


KnightStar I haven't heard of some of those! I like 'How could you leave us', 'Lovely', 'Skinny Love' etc!

cookie122105 cool

Queeny I heard of 'Angel of Darkness' 'Sit Still Look Pretty' 'Darkside' and 'Take a Hint'! I used to listen to the nightcore versions all the time, though I still think they can't beat the originals!

lunamoonlight Devils Dont Fly is a really good one

lunamoonlight Ikr? I have had Devils Don't Fly on a loop for a few days! Also, i forgot to add Angel with a Shotgun to here, that's a good one too

GemHeart Nightcore is pretty good! I've heard of Darkside!


my mind 27/7: GACHA GACHA GACHA GACHA GACHA GACHA GACHA GACHA... GACHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

cookie122105 cool

lunamoonlight GROUP PHOTO

lunamoonlight Also, you all have peguas pets. DEAL WITH IT! jk, lol XD

KnightStar I love me!

Queeny Yesss peguses pets are awesome!

cookie122105 awwwwww so cute

JD2005 XD Cool!

FunHeart1010 Aw thanks!!

GemHeart AW I'm so CUTE! Thx!

Queeny FH looks so cool!

cookie122105 love it

JD2005 Wow!

GemHeart Awesome!

Queeny Titi's looks super cute!

cookie122105 adorible

JD2005 OoOoO

KnightStar Titi's is soo cute!!

GemHeart So cool!