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Makin a new series here is oc luna ( not related to silens had this idea for a while)

lunamoonlight Btw i only used pencil and paper for all of these. Please don't alter take credit for or steal it in any way. I tried to follow gemmy instructions but i suck at drawing no matter what.

lunamoonlight Also post THIS ONE MOO MOO! for your favorite one.

KnightStar Good job!

KnightStar Queeny uses only pencil and paper for all her drawing that aren't colored too!

JD2005 Should I share this, and embarrass you, Luna? HEHE... 😈

lunamoonlight @JD2005 Would you like to keep your "Share"-clicking fingers? Don't you dare.

JD2005 😏 😈

lunamoonlight Oh why, why why why.

lunamoonlight Oh dang, the anatomy, why

Ash @Luna hehe...

ammyk 2 years ago. I didn't even see that. I was wondering how you got so much worse at drawing all of a sudden.

lunamoonlight Lolll

lunamoonlight Where the heck is the ear. The hair goes around the ear but where is the ear