17,886 Points

**Note i dont know anyone named George the op prolly made up the name anyway**

lunamoonlight Wonderful

Queeny George looks mortified. As he should.

lunamoonlight @Queeny Well, if some skinless person was coming after my skin, I would be too.

Queeny hahaha, if you wanna read a story about skinless people try Flesh Colored Horror. Skin is no where in sight, only pure beauty 👌

CSeriestechhero @Queeny now i am interested

Queeny here ya go mate https://imgur.com/gallery/QUO8twZ

CSeriestechhero you—oh wow

Queeny part 2, if you wanna continue https://imgur.com/gallery/0JXsnwW

CSeriestechhero ngl it kinda gives me barefoot gen vibes. maybe it's just the art style

Queeny mmm, you should check out more of Junji Ito's works if that caught your attention. The Long Dream and The Enigma of Amigara Fault are two I'd recommend. If you like longer stuff rather than short stories, Hellstar Remina or Uzamaki may be your thing.

I wonder since some kn users are from around the world, do you use the QWERTY keyboard layout or something else?

JD2005 Ofc it's QWERTY lol.

lunamoonlight Qwerty.

CSeriestechhero i think its crazy people type with the ABCDEF format. the keyboard layout looks painful

CSeriestechhero but i am querty

spiltmilk i always place my hands on wasd :sunglasses:

CSeriestechhero haha same

why is everyone hungry, is there an even BIGGER food shortage?

JD2005 Maybe. 😂

lunamoonlight Well I don't have much food at my house and I don't eat much often soooo

I updated my profile photo, I also changed my banner, and updated my bio. I recommend you guys check it out!

Sonic750 Kk!

JD2005 Kk!

I just finished writing my first Memoir of my new little book called Societas
I will provide a screenshot of the page, as I made it look cool and nostalgic with the colors, But I am going to also put the first Memoir excerpt from it in text if it's hard to see:
"Memoir I; collision & toxicity (sourced from my diary.)
I really need to write more here, I just keep forgetting about this book. I think I know how life works. (Existential logic : principle 1) It’s just everything colliding into each other. Indefinitely. Nothing stops moving, it just passes its energy off to something else. That’s something people lack the understanding of. That’s where my figurative collision principle begins occurring. Let’s provide an example. Let’s say there is Request #1 (no origin) needs to be completed and it’s up to you to complete it. There is also Request #2 which goal is to terminate Request #1 so it cannot be completed. Because you weren’t given any information on which request has more value; Request #1 or Request #2 which means you might not be able to use proper logic to figure out which has more value. This is where things start colliding. When did this ever start? Never. It never did. Which means you cannot pinpoint it’s root. Thus means that the requests are blurred; where you cannot stop it. Everything gets confusing and collides into each other again. Energy gets passed off to something else as requests transition into different things. It gets blurrier and blurrier. In the state of 2020, where everything is violent towards one another. I hope that energy bodies which carry toxicity. (Example would be a Karen) gets managed by the higher power (Examples such as mother nature, a government, or even a group of people.) Will terminate the undeserving (Requests in principle 1) and that the energy from the terminated bodies will transition to something which isn’t capable of executing toxicity that harms human society. Fin."
Apologies for any grammatical errors, I did my best.

lunamoonlight For the colors on the actual page, try using a darker yellow and lighter pink. And the fade effect on the one line make it hard to read, so I would recommend maybe editing that a little? Just trying to help make it look better. A pastel pink and dark yellow would give a bit more of the effect you want.

Pumpkin the colors hurt my eyes XD

JD2005 Same Kitten XD

Pumpkin Design tip: use smoke white for the background, dark slate gray for the text, and remove the yellow highlighting. Pink and yellow are clashing colors, don't use them together. Additionally, remove that gradient. You're not using it in the right way in my opinion.

lunamoonlight Pink and yellow are fine, it's just so bright, it could use a little desaturation.

CSeriestechhero I agree Kitten, the thing is I am trying to make it look nostalgic like a badly designed page from the early '00s and '90s. It might seem bothersome to the eyes, but that was partially the intent.

Pumpkin Ah, I see. Good job then ;)

CSeriestechhero Thanks

I question this a lot: Do people get tired of each other after a while?
I mean, it doesn't matter what role the other person plays in your life, do people just get tired of each other? Do we need to meet new people and then return back to the other people you met after a while? But what if you run out of people?

JD2005 😅

GemHeart Hm..I don’t usually get tired of people, there’s always more to learn about them!