17,886 Points

A funny comic i made hope yall like it



lunamoonlight I have heard a classmate do this so many times i heard her voice. And she yells EVERYTHING. So now i hear her screaming in my head. Lovely.

CSeriestechhero haha

Omg, look at this person. They are scared of 5G and I'm laughing at the stupidity
To give a little context, I was on the Chromebook community to help some people with their Chromebook issues (I'm a lil Chromebook nerd so yeah why not?) I was looking through the community and some person made a post saying "Is this laptop 5g because I'm scared..." *GIGANTIC HEADPALM*
To start with, if 5G is so "deadly" then explain why 4G, 3G, and the older generations haven't fried our brains yet? Exactly. it's just people being idiots.
this image is a certified karen moment and should be hated upon

quick edit: OMG just realized there's no upvotes haha well deserved

Ok... so I am making a risky decision, but I am gonna think this through before doing ANYTHING. I am planning to invite some KN users to my social media network, known as Lettuce.it. BUT I cannot provide the link because KidzNet wouldn't be happy about that. Though again, I need to specify what I am doing. I am planning on cleaning up my network, trying to remove any posts which may seem inappropriate, changing some user info from accounts that may have personal info, and asking users to remove personal info such as names, numbers, etc... I also need to remove personal info too, such as my phone number, name, and uhh... I think that's it. I am also considering removing my telegram account and twitter cuz I dunno how personal that gets. But I don't post personal info and I dislike sharing my real name anyways. I usually set the name box to Lettuce Cobbler Twinkie or CSeriestechhero to protect my identity, so that's good. Yet I might take a while s I might not specify too much info related to Lettuce.it. I will also try to reach out to KidzNet and see what their opinion is on my network. I originally thought of this idea (to invite users to lettuce.it) because I have noticed that many users on KidzNet are considering leaving the network thinking that they are "too old". Though I'm just a 12 year old, I felt like making a network cuz its cool, and Kitten kinda inspired me to make a social media network thanks to introducing me to tribe networks so that's cool. Now I have made a social media network before. It's called LSC4M2F2 meaning (school name [L]) School Community 4 MOTHER 2 fans too! but that was for people at my school and I made it in 6th-grade soo... yeah and it died out with only like 25 members . Lettuce.it was easier to access. Had more features, and was a lot more customizable (i could edit the site's CSS!) I may not have had more members, but it was a lot more active around its time. Though it's kinda dead now too, that's another reason why I'd like to invite users to my network so it's a lot more active. Welp, gotta finish up this post and seeya.

-Good vibes from Lettuce Cobbler Twinkie

KnightStar cool idea!! also, i thought you were older than me lol, surprise surprise. i have insta, twitter (priv account, just there to follow peeps and look at celeb twitter fights), and many others ig. im not an avid poster tho haha.... 0-0

CSeriestechhero i stopped using insta cuz bots were messaging me and i was too young to understand at the time. I also don't want to use Facebook products as much as possible as there are too many karens over at facebook and i kinda look at insta as "a place for degenerates". Though I'd like to specify, that I'm not calling EVERYONE there a degenerate, just the fakes and the crazy people.

lunamoonlight Most of my class has insta... so your not wrong with fake people :)

spiltmilk i use insta and bots always dm me like im just a meme page man

Ok just to give a little context, this is related to coding.
I'm sooooooooooo happy! I finally learned how to make a website using GitHub (specifically GitHub Pages). This means I don't have to use JSitor anymore! And JSitor is random and unreliable. I made a post in the google classroom I made for my friends who are willing to help me with it. I call the group LCTapps/1994 STUDIOS.
OK. Well... I switched because JSitor randomly errors out and makes my sites unusable, so I was looking for alternatives to host a static website and github was one of them. At first, I had doubts on hosting a GitHub page since it's soo complicated... At first but I was doing everything wrong. Soooooo I had to find out why it wasn't working, and I finally found out how to do it, and it's easier than I thought.
Another reason why it's sooo much easier is because I can upload the files in the Git repo (repository) and easily locate them rather than uploading it to another service and then copying the URL into the src part of a element/tag. And smaller file names take up less data, and space in the code, which Is more convenient instead of copy-pasting a URL (that takes up more bytes and causes more clutter).
I am actually gonna provide some links to some of the GitHub pages I have made (the app hub beta isn't in this post since KidzNet does not want me to post it here. I might post it once I remove the chat site since I am not using it anymore and am going to move to also remove the chat site from Lettuce.it, since the tribe team [the people who let my network exist] added a messaging feature)(also i cannot share LCTapps Devmail since that's for LCTapps/1994 devs haha)

i am now addicted to kero kero bonito

JD2005 Well, what is that? 😅

CSeriestechhero a british music trio. they are the people who made the song "Flamingo" which was a big meme in 2018

Why flies? lmao

JD2005 XDD

KnightStar hhhahahahha

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CSeriestechhero Test passed! I caught you, @JD2005

WAIT WHAT 2 MONTHS AGO?? Whyyyy did I not know— oh... right I wasn't here

JD2005 Yes, she came back for a while at that time.

CSeriestechhero Makes me sad, hopefully cookie122105 will return again and wont abandon us forever