17,886 Points

Hello everyone!
I've finally released the rl_m2621 build of LCTapps browser! New feature highlights include:
- Revamped UI, slightly mocking material UI design
- Fixed the new tab shortcut. You press ctrl+u instead of ctrl+t. (Make sure you are focused on the browser tabs or controls. Will not work if you have focused on the webview)
- Added smoother animations for the Tabs, and URL bar!
- You can navigate across tabs with ctrl+1-9.
You can download the latest version from the LCTapps page here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQw7l4XopIFZVjztgCItTSt5Fl-iqkvYf3iqbw2p6vrq0lOskPLGld6Q3p_jgyYyRv3ElJ228FI38CT/embed?rm=minimal&slide=id.p
Just click DOWNLOAD LCTAPPS BROWSER or if you'd like to get an older version of LCTapps browser, go to OTHER VERSIONS. Once again, thanks for supporting and motivating me with the development of LCTapps browser!

Note: This only works on ChromeOS platforms. Chrome Packaged apps are deprecated everywhere else forwhich means that LCTapps browser can not run on any other platforms.

CSeriestechhero So kidznet wont let me paste braille unicode

CSeriestechhero But yeah, for the people who've never heard, LCTapps browser is a browser I made back in august and it's goal was to be a second browser for chromebook users since installing non-ARC browser are a bit challenging and is a slight hassle<br style="">Since chrome packaged apps are deprecated on Windows, Mac, and Linux i saw this as an issue at first but also an opportune for school kids who are desperate on trying to access sites without potentially being watched.<br style="">So if you are a kid who's got a school issued chromebook, and can install extensions, this is something you should consider adding!

CSeriestechhero oh jesus i cant break lines without KN inserting HTML code inbetween. ok time to break line<br style=""><br style=""><br style=""><br style=""><br style=""><br style=""><br style="">this is fun

GemHeart @CS plz don’t use Jesus’s name in vain plz, it may not matter to you but to us Christians/ Catholics/etc it is offensive. Thanks :D

lunamoonlight To break lines in comments, shift + enter works, but not when you actually post the comment

CSeriestechhero Oh sorry<br style=""><br style="">I'm just an atheist™ and i didn't expect this to offend one like you. I'll try to minimize on using those terms ig.

CSeriestechhero @luna i know how it works, i've been using the computer for years. it's just that kidznet is glitching out

JD2005 😲

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Share this post if you hate football

Ash I hate it too.

KingLouis Football? Yucky

EloquentRacer92 It's OK.

CSeriestechhero Football is unkek™ I despise the concept. It pains me that football is the USA's sport. I mainly despise sports but I am willing to play socceror basketball. or discount tennis but yeah overall i don't like sports. I despise athleticism.

lunamoonlight I like sports I can actually play lol. Volleyball and dodgeball mostly (I'm good at hitting things and dodging things lol)

CSeriestechhero I forgot dodgeball. That's a fun game.

It's been a while.

JD2005 WB!

CSeriestechhero AYO

cookie122105 hi

he has a spoon he will kill you

ammyk Help

DukeSilver .

EloquentRacer92 HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

Ash Oh... so deadly...

JD2005 *Runs away*

ammyk I temporarily forgot help was a word.

So yesterday Daft Punk split up and won't be making music together anymore, so I just spent the day listening to a lot of daft punk music.
I think I am gonna change my pfp to this I need your opinion on it though.

Spoppy Yes

JD2005 If you want, yes, lol.

So I played jackbox for the first time

EloquentRacer92 ok

DukeSilver How was it? What did you play?

CSeriestechhero I forgot the name for some reason but its the one where you project a idea for a product. Something about marketing. We made it a hilarious game.

tacoboi how many people did you roast

JD2005 Sounds like a cool game.

DukeSilver The caption and the guy himself just don't line up.

DukeSilver His name doesn't help one bit, either. Are you sure that's real? I mean, really? Dr. Earman?

DukeSilver (Though I can't say that he doesn't look like an 'Earman')

JD2005 LOL 😂


lunamoonlight 1. Name change possible. 2. Nickname possible. 3 Looks kinda creepy to me lol, especially with the subtitles