35,521 Points

My “logo” I am going to make a neater version

JD2005 Nice!

JD2005 👍

Tintin1956 cool

GemHeart Awesome, good job Vi! I love it!

FunHeart1010 NOice!!!

LouTheLuver whoa!! LUVVVV

Crystal Thanks everyone!!!!!!

GemHeart NP Vivi!

Gemheart, do you have any inking tips?

GemHeart Yeah sure! If you use normal pens, wait a bit after each stroke, and don’t let the heel of your hand touch the ink, or it’ll swear

GemHeart *smear if it hasn’t dried.

Hay, gem! Did you change your style slightly while drawing faces? I think you did.What did you change? I think it
Looks awesome!

GemHeart I’m so thrilled you noticed! And yes, I did! The noses are now a lot more realistic, a lot more like Tite Kubo’s anime style. :) I also changed the eyes a bit, and my coloring is way different now! ;)

GemHeart I also changed my style with mouths, and faces are more angular now depending on the age of the character.

Crystal Nice!!! In my opinion, they look more realistic, while still keeping your style!

GemHeart Thanks Vi! ;)

Hay Lou,does your brother have autism? You do not have to answer,or you vpcan message me instead.We are all here for you!

LouTheLuver I honestly don't know. He still didn't take his evaluation so we have to wait and see. Thanks for asking!

Crystal YW.I am praying!

My family made fudge and applesauce today for fall!

GemHeart Whoa cool, I'll bet it tastes good!

FunHeart1010 Mmmmm…...stop making me drowl!!

Wesley2004 Nice!

Crystal Thanks everyone!

Im having a hard time making friends.I have one good friend.and multiple friends,but everyone seems to have a clique,and me and my bestie dont seem to fit in.
Any tips?

Crystal Multiple friends that i say hi to in the hall

GemHeart Well, maybe you should join some clubs, or find a clique for you? Maybe you could create a clique by inviting friends who are new to school? You don't need a clique, but if you feel like you do, I guess you could do that.