35,521 Points

Kidzsearch, now I cannot post even a small paragraph on my group, It’s Vivi!

KidzSearch Is it still happening?

Crystal Yes

KidzSearch Can you try it on another device or a laptop? We are looking into the issue for you.

Crystal Thank you, and i will try.The device i usually use is the IPhone 5s, and the same issue happens on my IPad,but I Will try on my computer

What is your thing? You know, the thing you love and are good at? I’m still on my journey to find mine

FunHeart1010 DRawing and singing!

AlbiSeli Mine is computer programming! I like it!!!

Crystal These are all awesome guys!

LouTheLuver we go outside. A LOT. like everyday even if it's as school day. BUT I LUV IT

GemHeart ;D

GemHeart I am good at singing but I don't sing in crowds. I would say I am a very artsy person, being decent at drawing, singing, and dancing. But I don't dance or sing for people. Only singing in the shower and in the car (my mum likes singing along to 1 Direction, Imagine Dragons, Kelly Clarkson, rock bands, and old songs, so we sing their songs sometimes) and I only dance after I am inspired by World of Dance XD. I am inspired for one night tho, then I wake up like, "ow why does my back hurt? neva doing dat again..." XD

FunHeart1010 Oh and traveling!

InkBoyJay I can sing, author, and I’m good at playing video games.

hungergamesgirl888 I am good at art, photography, writing, music, and I am like super inspired by animals. My overall talent thing that I have is probably music. It just interests me and I can pick up new instruments easily. I play piano, drums, xylophone, bell kit, marimba, vibraphone, and quads. So basically percussion. I've been trying pretty hard to find time for guitar but I am in so many other musical programs that it's hard to find time.

KnightStar I'm decent at music, I think I sing well, but I don't.....I write a lot of music, although it's not good. Just something I write while I'm feeling sad

KS, whenever I post something that is wordy, there is an error.I have good internet connections.

KidzSearch Not seeing a problem on our end and we ran tests with 50K words. Maybe it is a problem with one of the characters. If possible, please copy/paste the text on KidzTalk or you can send it to us via our contact us page.

Crystal I have posted it on kids search.For some reason, the text is big.

KidzSearch It posted for us during a test. Try copying/pasting parts of it one sentence at a time, like starting with the first sentence and let us know when things break for you. The problem might be related to your device.

Crystal Ok, thanks.Just you know, I use an IPhone 5s

Crystal Think of a character, real or fake, and the genie will be sure to guess it!

InkBoyJay I’ve actually played this before

FunHeart1010 Oh I tried this before!! It was pretty accurate!

Gem, I don’t know if you can watch videos on here or not, but I know the move has been hard for you, so I hope this video helps

GemHeart I can’t see it, but I can ask my bros to watch it with me on their tabs. Thx so much for the thought though.

Crystal You are ALWAYS welcome!

GemHeart :)

InkBoyJay I had to move recently and I was mad:(

KnightStar I always watch story booth!

I’m not creating a story, but this is a character thing of something I call _____ School ( I don’t know what to call it) Featuring Primrose.In this, prim’s ears are natural.It is a school made up of hybrids and norms.Hybrids are part animal.Im not in this, but I just wanted to draw me
.Norms are at the bottom.

GemHeart Awesome Vi! So creative and cute!

JD2005 That's really awesome!

hungergamesgirl888 Sweet! Sounds pretty cool! Message me on the kidznet message thing and I can help you with some ideas if you want... I have written a few books. This sounds like a cool creation idea thing (I am surprised I like writing I am terrible with words XD)

KnightStar Wow! Great drawing!

Sorry I haven’t been posting pics in awhile

GemHeart So pretty! Good job!

JD2005 Wow! Nice, Vivi!

FunHeart1010 Wow looks l8ke when we went to Yellowstone!!!

#GurlPower !

AlbiSeli I love this song!

FunHeart1010 This song gets stuck 8n my head!!!!

KnightStar This song got stuck in my head lol

KnightStar wait why is Camelia cabello there?

KnightStar idk if that's how to spell her name

KnightStar wait why is millie bobby brown there?

FunHeart1010 Yeah, all the famous women were in there.

Kidznet, are there any specific guidelines for having a video featured on Kidztube that you posted? Like kid appropriate ( obviously) or gives out a good message?

KidzSearch The production quality needs to be good. We also like videos that have a point to them, like teaching something of value in academics and the arts, or having important social value like the one you posted. As you mentioned, they must also be safe for kids, so no swear words, violence, etc. We also look for videos that are well suited for elementary and junior high educational levels. Finally, kids need to have some fun, so we allow pure entertainment content as well, but tend to limit it.

Crystal Thank you for telling me!