124,562 Points
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Hi everyone it has been two whole years since I was last on here .I'm 15 now and I can drive as long as my mom is in the car with me.yay

EloquentRacer92 Hello!! I am EloquentRacer92. I joined KidzNet on January 13 2021. You might have a friend request from me (I was trying to friend everyone on KidzNet but there’s too much to count). If you didn’t, then I’m sorry!

Queeny Wb! and coool, i'm a year younger than you.

forgxtten heyyy

JD2005 Hey, WB! I remember you :D

Pumpkin Hey!!

KnightStar Oh it's been so long izziegirl! Can't believe the last time I chatted with you was when u were 12!

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Yusss Lol me

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happy wednesday gamers

JD2005 👍🏻👍🏻

forgxtten omg yes

forgxtten but the wednesday frog shall never die

JD2005 w i d e b o i w e d n e s d a y

Yusss 😂😂😂😂😂

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More stufff:

forgxtten awww

JD2005 Cute!

DukeSilver Goats. Goats...Goats.......Goats...........NO GOATS! Rather be stupid sheep!

DukeSilver Apologies...


JD2005 Aww...

forgxtten ive been known to my friends as ‘the goat lady’ for a while now ((as opposed to ‘cat lady’))

Twentyonepilotsan GOATS YES

-MarshmallowSmoosh- Aw! We saw goats like these the other day when we were walking.

Yusss Has meh goats

Yusss Frigging spell correct -_- I meant to say Yasss

Autumn AWW GOATS I LOVE GOATS i had 2 of 'em when i was 7 :3

why is there like no posts on kidznet recently

JD2005 🤷🏻‍♂️

forgxtten bc y not

first day of summer for me yay

flowermagic yay for you!

JD2005 Good for you!

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Behold, Pumpkin: Kitty/Kitty 1/Skinny Kitty/Young Kitty/Other Kitty/Other Other Kitty/Angry Kitty/The noise that you use to call cats that I don’t know how to spell. She’s going to the vet tomorrow, along with Panther, who might have gingivitis and needs dental work. The other three will have to wait.
And don’t worry; she’s fine.

DukeSilver She just wouldn’t hold still.

Pumpkin omg soooooooo cute

GuitaristKid UWU I LOVE

JD2005 Cute!

DukeSilver She bit me after I took that picture.

Pumpkin Lol

Queeny i literally just watched this video, then i logged onto KN and see this what-

JD2005 @Queeny :O

Autumn belwuga uwu