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raffle time B)

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the winner will be randomly selected. they'll get a drawing from me of anything they want (as long as it is within kidzsearch's and my own moral code). i'll pm the winner in 4 days.

i'll post the winner's prize in my art group once i'm done with their drawing

EloquentRacer92 24 secs ago bout

Lol I hate it when people say "No offense"
And proceeds to offend you.

GuitaristKid By hating anime? C'mon

Pumpkin what does anime have to do with anyhting ?

JD2005 Lol.

Yusss XD

GuitaristKid @pumkin ok

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My step brother just moved into my dad's house for the summer :/

Pumpkin I posted about how my new step-brother is moving in, and nobody responded.

JD2005 :(

EloquentRacer92 Tahts bc we don’t know about your step brother (not asking for info bc that’s dangerout

LOL everyone is changing their username to Xx_EXAMPLE_xX

Chubbybunny It's super weird....

EloquentRacer92 No it’s wonderful

ammyk I am very confused.

Pumpkin yuss also wants to change their username to this format

KnightStar XxKnightStarxX

ammyk @KnightStar, don’t forget the _s

JD2005 XxJD_2005xX

ammyk Well I have to jump on board, obviously. Xx_AMMYK_xX

Queeny Xx_Queeny_xX

ammyk This is Xx_amazing_xX

Kidzforums was the first kidzsearch social network. Read about it here to preserve it's memory.

JD2005 Cool :O

I found out that kidznews used to be a news social network. Kids used to be able to submit articles and have accounts. Some users on the platform included Whizkid, Mathgeek36, and CupCake549. I find it interesting that there were different social networks on kidzsearch that are gone now or lost their social features, like Kidzforums and Kidznews.

KidzSearch You are digging up ancient KidzSearch history!

JD2005 :O

oh my gawd so cute

Fuzzyjellyowl Awwww! Is that your cat?

spiltmilk remind me of my aunt's previous cat!

Pumpkin Haha I wish

PrincessAnu It's sooo. Cute

Chubbybunny Awwwww.It reminds me of my rlly old cat but sadly it jumped of our balcony:(

spiltmilk dang, i give you my condolences Chubbybunny

JD2005 Aww... So cute :D