Oki, comment 2 or 3 emojis and I will turn them into a character ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Fuzzyjellyowl Fun! 🤩🤓 I feel like the last one is going to be funny….
EloquentRacer92 😋🍟🍕
EloquentRacer92 @lunamoonlight on an android, huh? Only one android device in my house and it’s a kids tablet. Plus that’s on ice cream sandwich
lunamoonlight Nope, chromebook.
hilolo 😻 😺 😹 😼
Let’s all please calm down with the political drama. We are kids and don’t need to worry about that sorta thing. Also, I don’t want this to turn into Facebook.
Phil asks for peace 😇
EloquentRacer92 Who’s Phillips
JD2005 Agreed ✌🏻
lunamoonlight Okay Phil
ammyk Thank you.
GemHeart SUre thing Phil
lunamoonlight @Elo Phil is the boy in the picture.
lunamoonlight @Elo Nope. Technically, his name would be Firu, because he's from an anime and manga series, which is a form of Japanese cartoon and comic. In Japanese, the name is "Firu", that translates to Fill in English. However, who the heck is gonna spell the kids name like a verb for a bucket? So since "Fill" and "Phil" have the same pronounciation, they most likely changed the spelling to suit English names. There is no record of his name ever being mentioned as Philip/Phillips. So actually, his true name /is/ Phil.
lunamoonlight I am the only dang person who's gonna look up stuff this stupid at 11 at night. What's wrong with me lol?
JD2005 @lunamoonlight *Claps*
PurpleMochi @Elo Dang aggressive much
Welcome to: Me and my sides at school for the first time in a year for testing!
Girl in front of me: *exists*
Jade: Daaannnnngggg
Ella: You should talk to her in the halls!
Violet: NO
Atlas: Why not?
Rose: No reason! We truly must say hello! *dramatic hand to forehead*
Atlas(who is ace-sexual and ace-romantic): Love is weird
*all bicker all throughout class*
Teacher: Ok! Stay in here and talk. I will see when y’all can leave.
Me: *quietly as humanly possible* hi
Her: *doesnt hear*
Me, back in the hall: wELp I tried!
lunamoonlight Lol. This is me but less for the crush part and more for the human interaction in general.
JD2005 LOL-
PurpleMochi @Elo ✨I don’t care✨
lunamoonlight @Elo To be fair, she never said it was meant to be-
JordanLol Elo NOBODY and I mean NOBODY asked for your opinion neither did they want it
lunamoonlight @TyousT Just because someone else might be acting like a rude little kid doesn't mean you need to act like one either.
JordanLol she deleted her comment
Another internal conflict! This time featuring Violet and Rose.
{Missed Opportunities} My anxiety keeps me from doing a lot of things out of fear. One of these recent things, is asking my mom for me to join the summer theater camp. Now, the time to sign up is over, and I stalled to long cause Violet doesn’t like the idea of me being on-stage. And of course, Rose wasn’t too happy about missing out. Soooo...
lunamoonlight Princy and Virgil essentially?
PurpleMochi @luna Yee
EloquentRacer92 Is my tablet acting up or is it the actual background
PurpleMochi @Elo it’s the background lol
lunamoonlight @Elo actual background.
EloquentRacer92 LETS A GO
Me and my friend talking
Me: *makes joke*
Her: *laughs* That made me choke on my will to live XD
Me: Ha- wait you didn’t choke
Her: I know
Me: *Protective friend, ACTIVATED*
ammyk Took me a second there.
lunamoonlight Friend- *somewhat mentions someone making fun of them* Me- *Protective friend, ACTIVATED* Point.
JD2005 p r o t e c t i v e f r i e n d , a c t i v a t e d
lunamoonlight @JD2005 That took ya a good minute there, didn't it?
JD2005 @lunamoonlight h o w d i d y o u k n o w ?
lunamoonlight Because you are individually typing and putting spaces between 26 different characters lol
JD2005 @lunamoonlight t h a t s t r u e , p l u s a u t o c o r r e c t i s a n n o y i n g
lunamoonlight @JD RIP space button
Hey guys! Quick disclaimer about the concept of Sides. ITS NOT MINE XD! My inspiration for making my own sides are from Thomas Sanders “Sanders Sides”. It’s a YouTube series that I totally recommend. K done. :3
I was just doodling a hand and this happened... huh.
JD2005 🔮 m a g i c 🔮
JordanLol i had crumbs on my screen so it looked like a galaxy
lunamoonlight Beautiful
Friend: Are you gay?
Me: No
Also me: *unpauses wlw Spotify playlist*
lunamoonlight Bootiful picture
PurpleMochi @luna UnU
JD2005 Lol.
JordanLol first time my bff did not post sum with words
PurpleMochi @Bestie UwU