I'm going to tell you something that really happened to me and it crosses my mind still to this day.
When I was eleven, I had been seeing lots if hallucinations at my FL house. Anyway, me and my sister made a Fake board and used a penny to use. Basically a homemade Oujia board.I've been wanting to contact this person I've seen in my hallucinations, so I played the game with my sister. When we asked questions, something mindblowing happened. My finger was basically hovering over the penny, and my sister thought I was moving it as I proved I wasn't even barely touching it. But this strong force moved it. BTW, it was late at night. It was weird, and that's why I believe in the paranormal. It may not work because a ghsot may not be there. But trust me, a strong force moved it. C r a zy.
Pumpkin I halusinate too
lunamoonlight That is crazy. I know how the normal illusion works, normally when the questions are asked somebody subconsiously moves it, obviously not knowing that they are, but if you weren't touching it then...
lunalovegoodmolly OMG this freaks me out... but also cool
GemHeart I believe in the paranormal and I don't wanna get hurt, that's why I will never touch a Board XD
Queeny The only reason we did this was because it wasn't a ouiji board, it was a Japanese board that is said to lure innocent/harmless or playful spirits to you, and if they're feeling nice they might answer your questions. The instructions for the game also warned us not to trust every answer we get, since some mischievous spirits might just be messing with us. But yeah, it was definitely weird.
GemHeart Whoa that's odd.. no thank you...