Hi guys first day of school, so I'll see you in summer
Hi guys first day of school, so I'll see you in summer
(don't mind the badly taken screenshot)
Me: 2020 will have a great start!! I'm just so happ-
KnightStar I most likely shouldn't joke about war but here we are, let's just hope there's no world war 3
GemHeart Yeah....
Hello asì que esta es mui rutina de cuidado de la piel y cosas que recomiendo si estas en quiebra
Ok well let's get started !! (Skin care routine and products I recommend)
1. Aztec clay
I've been using this for two months, but it has not had a direct effect. Like, not clearing up my acne. Well, I was using it wrong, so when I was using it right (like with plastic and no metal etc) it started working great. But it was not instant, and I still need help with acne.
2. Green tea cubes
Ok I'm going to do this routinely. I always have green tea or some kind of tea and leaves somewhere in my house, so this is really convient for me. This closes pores, and let me say, my pores are basically Russia. Anyways, it also helps prevent acne, so I recommend! You can also use this for other tea blends, not only green tea.
Ok well thats it for now because I want to keep my posts short. I have tried many things and I want to talk about that also I'm going to be posting on my diary a lot updating on myself. Thanks friends!!!!!
Queeny what about the toothpaste method?
lunalovegoodmolly Very helpful! I have missed you!
FunHeart1010 Nice! I don't have acne yet tho lol (btw: wb!)
LesbianWolfFurry I missed you!
JD2005 Hey Knight! Glad you are back!
forgxtten I need to try the green tea cubes...
forgxtten I need to try the green tea cubes...
GemHeart Missed you Knight!
KnightStar Artist Girl, they work!!
forgxtten ok!
2020 anyone
uh oh
PrincessKittens What?
PrincessKittens Uh oh?I
Pumpkin yay!
KnightStar I got a toy for Xmas that looked like uh oh stinky.
Pumpkin omg
lunalovegoodmolly Cool
PrincessKittens Lol
Posted in my diary, I hope you see you guys on my thirteenth birthday
mIsSeD mEh
mErY cHrismAs bUbBiEs sAnTa bRoght mE
lunamoonlight Nuuu! STAY ONLINE PLZ!!!
JD2005 HEY!!! WB!!!
forgxtten please stay on!!!
lunalovegoodmolly I HAVE MISSED YOU!!!!!!! PLEASE COME BACK SOON
FunHeart1010 Wb!! And YeS wE DiD mIsS yOu
Ugh. I got a bad headache and in a bad mood but here we go.
I know Attack Helicopter is a slight dark and offensive joke. That ended, im not a ❄ , i have a tough shell. So it has nothing to do with Gymnast. Also, you guys weren't correcting me, you were stating an opinion and I mine. But it has nothing to do with that but my school. Realityid different from online, im two months behind in school and I have a few weeks left before the finish line, or dead line.
Im only saying this because my sister told me that someone said it had to do with that. Im trying to tell myself I can do itl i can getaway from KS. And this has been going on for months if you've read my diary, ive been trying to get myself to leave. And In told posts when my memom died, I wasn't check in for a few months. So it started there, when my memom died. And also just my health, mentally and physically. So, God will lead me to a better path someday.
Also can someone teach me how to
write on a tablet?
GemHeart ... Knight... wow. Well, about the tablet writing, depends on if 1) actually writing on one or 2) writing as in typing :)
Pumpkin Slight is an understatement but I am ovwr it :)
lunalovegoodmolly I wish you luck.
Because false allegations of me "threatening to leave" was put up.
I have felt like KS made me numb and more isolated from the world. I would refresh the page multiple times before I got something new, and just sit there watching the screen. And it only isolated me from the world and made me more depressed when even a little of that numbness would go away because of how empty I felt.
It isn't because of "drama" because of my personal life. I'm taking a break for two months and you can't stop me. Hopefully, till then I'll feel better. But because of these allegations, I'm not even sure I want to go on in two months. I'm not one to threaten. I'm alone. And I just feel so empty, like there is nothing in my life. So please, don't tell me that "Oh you won't actually take a break, you'll be back tomorrow, she's just threatening to leave." Because that's causing me to look at my notification when I'm on the KT tab about to delete and I see that. And being honest, I go on here to feel happy. But lately, no matter the drama or not, I feel more alone and isolated from the rest of the world. Like I'm talking in a void of nothingness.
I love my friends, like @GemHeart and @lunamoonlight @JD2005 etc. But I just need to take and break, for now, just to feel again, so please don't start anything because that makes me go on more and it just makes me feel number to the world. It's nothing anyone did.
JD2005 Okay. I can understand.
FunHeart1010 That's ok Knight I understand. I hope you heal when you are gone. And I always knew that you were gonna leave if you said you would leave! :)
lunalovegoodmolly Okay. I will miss you soooo much.
forgxtten I understand. I believed you, people shouldn’t have said you were just threatening to. And just to clarify, are we still doing Loca Novis or are we putting it on hold? Cuz I really liked doing that, it’s fun.
Pumpkin knight, be reasonable. Don't blame me for you leaving please.
sunandmoon Dude "It's nothing anyone did" u didn't even read the post?
ammyk I understand! Sorry I didn’t see this sooner...
FunHeart1010 Awwww we'll miss you!
GemHeart I will miss you!
JD2005 Heyya!
Pumpkin ya
JD2005 I'll miss you so much :(
lunalovegoodmolly I WILL MISS YOU
KnightStar Sweety be bad at promises 💕