251,769 Points

I was on zoom for Robotics with some other teams and coaches, going over rules. There was a kid with a background that was moving and looked like some binary code thing. His name was Toby. Then whatever the heck this is-

JD2005 lol

ammyk ... Did it work?

JD2005 @ammyk I don't think so.

lunamoonlight I was wondering what that paragraph even was

Raven That is html

ammyk @Raven, it is indeed. You can test out html on Google Sites, I think.

lunamoonlight Yeah I know nothing about that stuff.

The drawing looks better than this i swear. I had to take a picture of the screen with my phone, then take a picture of the phone picture with my tablet. With presents you with this.

Queeny oof. Doesn't it have an export/save file option? O.o It looks cool tho

lunamoonlight It is on Windows. WHICH I BARELY KNOW HOW TO USE

JD2005 Oof. Good job though! 😅

KnightStar good job! just right click, then save image as???

lunamoonlight I coukd save it, i just cant post it when i am on the Dell.

KnightStar incognito mode? idk how high tech stuff works ehe

New posts in my diary

JD2005 Kk!

Why do I feel like this is going to be a really bad idea?

JD2005 Don't worry, it's not a bad idea.

mycatlovesme99 yeah

lunamoonlight Eh, I've gotten Apathic, Arguementitive, and Bully, everything else is alright. Either way, I can guess a couple people who those probably came from

lunamoonlight So 30% are negative, 70% are positive.

KnightStar no one chose racist and thats the worst one of them all apparently
Updated Poem Power Club. Now The Dead Poet's Society.

JD2005 Kk!

Been listening to Tom MacDonald. I really like his songs. He is one of the only musicians I know who will actually speak his mind. "I will not be censored".

lunamoonlight He makes some good points too. While I don't agree with everything he says, and some stuff is still offensive, I still like hearing his opinions. If y'all are sensitive, don't listen to him tho, you'll just get offended.

KnightStar @lunamoonlight, same, I don't agree with everything he says, but its still interesting to hear a person speak their opinion so bluntly on the media.

lunamoonlight @KnightStar Mhm! The entire point of his music is that he states his opinions with censor. He thinks his mind and if he offends someone, or if someone doesn't like him, he doesn't care. There are so few people I know who will actually do this. I, again, don't always agree with him, but for a lot of stuff, I do and I like being able to hear someone say it.

My counter is covered with tin foil.

My cat keeps jumping up on the counter, and she started doing that in one spot, for I put a piece of tin foil on there to keep her from jumping up there (it's a good way to keep cats from jumping up on surfaces, it scares them). Then she got smart and jumped on a different spot. She kept doing that and now the counter is covered in tin foil.

Considering I have been here a little over two years, and I have not checked my notifications for a couple of years now, and I have 46,843 notifications, if I was here for two and a half more years, I would probably obtain 100,000 notifications.

lunamoonlight I treat notifications as points.

JD2005 32011 here. BTW, does that mean you treat points as notifications then? *Sarcasm* 😂

Queeny I got 13,132 O.O. I need to step up my notif game.

Pumpkin lol

lunamoonlight Yall, i have saved them up the longest. And i garentee i would be at 20,000 something if it were not for a specific user who likes everything lol

JD2005 You mean me, right? 😂

lunamoonlight I dunno Jay, am I? lol (yes)

JD2005 @lunamoonlight I KNEW IT 😂

The week before last, I watched Dead Poet's Society. Then I had read some of Poe's works throughout the week. Including a few poems and The Tell-Tale Heart. That would be why I thought my first Reading assignment for this week was hilarious-

My SS class is using videos for the assignments. The video can't even get it's own name right. It is called "The War The Made American".

ammyk Ah yes, I remember that war. President Hooverfieldsonennedy was incredibly brave and cunning. If it hadn't been for General Washtaybonevelt's courage, however, the Britfedxisicans would have definitely won the war. Truly a turning point in our nation's history.

JD2005 WTH?

lunamoonlight @ammyk Genius. Pure genious. Lol, but nah, this is set when George Washington was in his early 20s, French-Indian war.

ammyk @lunamoonlight, oh I remember reading about that war. I hear it didn't go so well at times.