251,769 Points

I found the site I used to use to help with my comebacks, it's called

HorseGirl221 Cool!

cookie122105 cool

JD2005 Cool!

Me VS Drama-Maker
Me:You should really stop concerning yourself with my business and worry about your horrible personality and petty manipulative ways.

JD2005 Haha!

cookie122105 cool

Ok, so how do you guys like my Me VS Bully stuff so far?

HorseGirl221 I'm really liking it!!

JD2005 I love 'em! They're so funny!

Me VS Annoying Bully
Bully: *talking non-stop*
Me: Have a nice day, somewhere else

JD2005 XD

cookie122105 cool

Me VS Hater
Me: I guess if you spoke your mind, you'd be speechless
Me: Trash talked by many. Hated by some. Guess how much I care? Not at all.

JD2005 Hahaha!

cookie122105 cool

Me VS Fake-Friend
Me: Fake friends are like shadows, always there at your brightest moments. But nowhere to be seen during your darkest hours.
Me: Revenge, I'm too lazy, I'm going to let karma screw you up

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Me VS Victim-playing Bully
Me: If everywhere you go, there's a problem, guess what?

cookie122105 cool

Me VS Bully
Bully: *insults*
Me: I am walking the path of my own life. Your approval isn't needed.

HorseGirl221 :)

JD2005 :D

cookie122105 coo;

Me VS Bully
Bully: *insults rapidly*
Me: *stops them from talking* If you looking for someone who cares, keep walking.

cookie122105 cool

Me VS Bully
Bully: *talking about my past when I used to be a lot more violent for anger issuses*
Me: I am not the same person I was a month ago, a day ago or a year ago. Life is always changing.

cookie122105 cool