I was listening to Alec Benjamin... Water Fountain started playing... oh no.
(I like the song just fine, but I can't get through it without crying, I never have.)
I was listening to Alec Benjamin... Water Fountain started playing... oh no.
(I like the song just fine, but I can't get through it without crying, I never have.)
I was reading a sadder Wattpad story, and while a character was talking about another character who had shot himself, the author had a typo. They had pressed the "I" instead of "O" in shot. I was crying and now i am laughing and crying so hard-
-MarshmallowSmoosh- Lol XD
JD2005 lol
So my wireless headphones have a voice that says stuff like "power on", "bluetooth connected" and such. I swear tho, the voice that says "Goodbye" when i turn them off, sounds so freaking salty and borderline rude lol
CoralSophie08 Oof... has the white noise stopped, at least?
lunamoonlight Yea, I had to turn them off tho
I am on my tablet, and i was on Wattpad, checking my notifications, when my wireless headphones started playing white noise. They are usually silent, but when i go to watch a video or something, the audio starts by playing white noise and then playing the video audio. I wasn't playing any video or song or nothing. With the way my tablet is set up, it stops all audio when you go to another tab, so i went here. Still playing white noise. Little concerned (i get scared of glitchy things and get paranoid someone is watching me and listening to things i say. I literally have tape on my school computer camera).
lunamoonlight If you don't know what is sounds like, i can describe white noise as kinda like waves and kinda like crumpling paper sounds. Idk, but you have probably heard it before without realizing it. It sounds like static.
JD2005 :O
A red flag-
A character- *walks up to the main character and grabs her hand* Hey, I was wondering if maybe, you were into pain?
Users KN would not be the same without-
@FunHeart1010 @Shrek08 (WE KNOW, LOOK AT DAT ART STYLE)
If you take any of these users away, it's like you dismember a part of KidzNet itself. Jay would probably be the heart, Gem, FunHeart, and Queeny are like three master-artist right arms, and Knight, well, idk what she is but she's important too. Y'all get my point. While there are other popular users of Kidznet, these are the main ones. Other popular users make up other parts of KidzNet, and newer users remain as mysteries if they will stay long, or if they will leave in a week. I could see KidzNet without other users, but without these 5, it ain't the same. There was a point where CatGirlTiti was a 6th, and when she left it kinda impacted KN for a bit because she was a very popular user here. Same with some other popular users who have left, and come back now and then.
CoralSophie08 I agree wholeHEARTedly (heh)
JD2005 We all know that it won't be the same without you too, Luna! ❤
Pumpkin thanks for including me.
CoralSophie08 We can't survive on KT or KN without Kitten (Pumpkin) either!
CoralSophie08 But I also think, while I agree with most of the list, others may feel they are unimportant and stop having fun on this platform, which is what it's all about. That's just my opinion, though...
Describe a cursed image you have seen (kinda a question... ish)
A shipping picture of Deku and All Might, very cursed. Also something Queeny showed me with the pig one... Queeny can describe.
Queeny Hehehehehehe
lunamoonlight Wasn't there a possum one too? I don't think you showed me that.
I spent $77 today. About $20 was for a present for my mom (pancake griddle). A couple was some Tech Decks for my brother (he is a collector). I bought myself some Pocky, some sour Icebreakers, and a $40 pair of headphones. The headphones I am very satisfied with. They are on-ear, wireless, noise-canceling headphones, and are extremely comfortable, and came fully-charged.
lunamoonlight And from what I could tell, they have a mic.
lunamoonlight Haven't tested the mic.
lunamoonlight They are JLab Studio ANC wireless headphones, if y'allwant to buy them, I recommend them a lot. Plus, if for some reason the wirelessness doesn't work, the headphones are dead, or if you can't connect something to bluetooth, they come with a cord you can attach to the headphones and a phone or computer.
CoralSophie08 Ooo those headphones sound amazing. I need to get me a pair of those...
JD2005 Wow, yes, those headphones sound so cool! 🤩
lunamoonlight Definitely worth the price.
JD2005 OOF.