3 new posts in my diary
3 new posts in my diary
I've written all of my dad poems on Google Docs, and I have a whole folder now. They have titled like "Dad Poem", "Dad Poem 2 (Selfish *beep*hole)", "Dad Poem 3 (Hurt)", and "Dad Poem 4 (You Don't Even Know Me)". so uhh... angst.
There is a few people who i would like for them to hasten their demise at their earliest convenience.
JD2005 :O
lunamoonlight A conversation I had on using creative language to say something you normally would not be able to acceptably say included parts of the sentence in the post. Ordinarily, the sentence above would be very few words and quite socially unacceptable, but when used verbrosly, it lessens the blow.
JD2005 😅
lunamoonlight Gotta love how I can go from formal and informal voice easily. I just kinda talk like some British professor.
So i had been listening to asmr stuff (i listen to rain and storms sometimes), and there was a person in the comments who gave out a survey. They were doing some sort of ASMR research, asmr psycholgist or something, and they gave out a survey in the comments. So i decided, eh, why not? And after about 15 questions about asmr, then it started asking about relationships and things. Fun. Then there was a section on stuff that would be in mental disorder quizzes. For example, asking about sleep habits, if ya tried to kill yourself in the past week, in you have felt lonely in the past week, etc. I am proud that i was able to say None at all to most of those. Some i did say yes to, like shaking, sleep problems, and such, but that is because i stay on my tablet until 1 in the morning, and i don't know about the shaking. I have felt shaky recently. Mostly in my room because it is cold, but downstairs it is warm, and i still shake sometimes, and i have been shaking when emotional as well, which i didn't usually do before.
lunamoonlight I have a few symptoms of anxiety, however, not much worry, more the psychogenic tremors (shakes)
JD2005 🤔
Finished that one drawing. Color palette could be better, other than that i am quite proud of myself.
JD2005 Great job! ❤
lunamoonlight I used a few refrences and I used a ballerina pose (with a few adjustments) for her pose. The one I chose I figured would work quite well to show off her wings and outfit.
cactuspot12 i love it!
New poem, already on PowerPoetry, may post here at some point. It's called Dad 3 so that should say how i am doing.
JD2005 Oh... Hope you're feeling better now.
lunamoonlight It's in my diary
lunamoonlight and so is number 4
mycatlovesme99 thats a great drawing I have no idea how you did that
I've been listening to Faouzia's album Stripped lately. For the most part, she only has singles, but all of her stripped songs (she took the music out, replaced it with piano or guitar or something soft, and redid the vocals) she combined into one album. It's so good. Her original songs have her voice and some pop-y fake music stuff, but the stripped versions have so much raw soul to them, it's amazing.
lunamoonlight Definitely a soprano-countertenor range. It's so gooood
Me and my mom were talking about the covid vaccine rumors, and recently what we were learning in Science class says there can't be one. My Science class was saying that only bacterial infections can have vaccines and antibiotics while viral infections cannot. Simply stated, this is why there are no antibiotics for the cold and no vaccines for it. And with the flu shot, that is more complex. Flu shots help some people protect themselves against it, meanwhile others it can cause them to get the actual virus, so it's kinda of a 50/50 thing. With the covid one my mom was talking about, what it does is changes your cells to block the part of covid that hijacks your cells, so the virus can't hijack them. So pretty much, it would make a bunch of assymptomatic people who are still carriers, or covid would just mutate, since viruses do that, and then the "vaccine" would fail. And people have already had allergic reactions and a few developed AIDS.
Queeny Imagine the side effects to a vaccine like that, reminds me of the thalidomide crisis. Either way, being forced to take a vaccine that may or may not work or was properly tested first, doesn't sound very appealing at all.
JD2005 *Sigh* 😔
lunamoonlight And how long have they been working on cancer and HIV/AIDS vaccines? 40, 60 years? And they made this in 1?
ammyk I haven't done any actual research on this vaccine, but I see why my parents don't want us to get it until it's been tested thoroughly.
Catching up on some Kubz Scouts videos... just watched something very cursed he reacted to and probably scarring to some people, personally, eh. I am not even gonna mention anything else in the video. If you were to go to his channel you could probably figure it out, but i won't say it. I am gonna go watch something less cursed now.
@Queeny I started getting daycore recommendations on YouTube. It was Set It Off, so i clicked. I blame you for my newfound addiction.
(Well, it's kinda only faster songs i know and i don't like how the voice lowers, but still)
JD2005 XD
Queeny slowed rock is awesome, there's something about it that just makes me wanna dance off a cliff
lunamoonlight @Queeny I... Should I be concerned?
JD2005 Kk!