251,769 Points

My teacher made it so that in order to get one of my assignments done, I have to wait for 2 people to review my essay when I get it set up for them to, then I have to review 2 other people's essays when they get done with setting that up. So my assignment depends on 4 other people. I don't like that, I like doing things independently, and without others. But no, one has checked my essay, and the two people whose essays I have to check didn't set it up correctly. I have everything I can do done and done correctly, but everyone else doesn't know what they're doing and it affects my work.

JD2005 Oof.

lunamoonlight The teacher ended up correcting it for me. I misplaced a few modifiers... darn.

I noticed in anime club yesterday that Stain has a screw in his ear. Not an earing, a dang screw, like the one you use to build stuff. I swear MHA/BNHA characters were made by artists who were developing how to create characters, and never heard the term "too much". Not that I personally am much better but still.

JD2005 A screw!? WTH!? 😂

I recommended my poems to someone on PowerPoetry, and they commented on a couple. One they commented on with a compliment, the other, A Guide for the Lost and Lonely, they said: "Thank you for these words". I love knowing that I can help people, and that's the purpose of that poem, so I'm glad it worked.


I am listening to something, i honestly don't even know what, but this dude is basically telling a rhyming bedtime story, and it's all calm and peaceful one moment, with birds chirping and whatnot, and then the next line is "go the *beep* to sleep". It's so passive aggressive and hilarious at the same time.

JD2005 What the— 😂

lunamoonlight It's great, it's great

mycatlovesme99 what... the

lunamoonlight This is why i don't talk about my YouTube history lol-

Had to put my essay from Emily's Candy into Times New Roman font... ughhh. C A N W E S A Y B A S I C?

CoralSophie08 B A S I C

I put the essay I wrote into a Grammarly Doc, and without trying, without counting my words, my essay is 666 words long. Perfect, absolutely perfect. I love that. Perfect.

CoralSophie08 Oof.

JD2005 PeRfEcT.

mycatlovesme99 wow you got 666 words wrong!

lunamoonlight @mycatlovesme99 ??

Just got done with a super long and frustrating essay about The Outsiders. Probably won't even get an A because i may have left Bob's death ot of the summary... oh well, i got it done.

flowermagic That's Boring!

flowermagic Like,Really Boring!

lunamoonlight Bob's death was part of the main plot. it's not a spoiler. But when you make a summary, it HAS to be a complete one, with the main ideas and important details.

lunamoonlight And yeah, the essay was boring.

Emelyisaway ahh good luck dude

JD2005 Best of luck!

KnightStar I hate when I do an essay and I remember later I left out an important detail like someone's death, that could course the plot

Queeny I write my essays at 3 am, pretend I did a good job, then do my best not to think about it again :)

mycatlovesme99 yeah

flowermagic yeah

I keep remembering this from a CDawg VA video-

Random question- What are your sheets made of?
An option- leather
CDawg- Who picks this option? Hey, what do you like to sleep on? Oh you know, dead cows.

lunamoonlight One of the few things that I can't hold back laughing from.

JD2005 LOL

CoralSophie08 Yes, I sleep on dead cows daily. Obviously.

Emelyisaway incredible

With a big vocabulary, it can be quite useful at times. Truly, as long as you understand what the bases and roots of words are, you can use or create words you haven't heard before. What I mean by roots is stuff like bi = two, chrome = color, so something bichrome would be something that is two colors. A big vocabulary comes in handy when writing, reading, and talking to teachers or whenever you need to be formal. I have a big vocab because I love to read, and when I was little I would always ask what a word means or look it up when I didn't understand it, rather than skip it. I still do that for words I don't know from anywhere. Plus, I've listened to the roots and made connections to different words. For example, bi and chrome from earlier. Bicycle, bisexual, bilingual, etc, all have something to do with two, two wheels, interested in two genders, knows two languages. Then there is also polychrome, bichrome, and monochrome. All have something to do with colors, the beginning says how many, such as multicolored, bicolored, and one-colored.

JD2005 Hmm...

CoralSophie08 My English teacher forces us to study different roots each week, so...

lunamoonlight Same with mine

Emelyisaway bichromatic tetrahedrons

lunamoonlight @emelyisaway Hm, two-colored 4-sided shapes?