251,769 Points

I keep remembering one dude in the comments of an 8D music video. For those who may not now, 8D music is where you take a song and make it so the audio goes left and right and it sounds like the musician is in the room performing while walking around. This dude in the comments was complaining that "This isn't 8D! It just goes left and riht, this isn't TRUE 8D" and like, this dude posted a google doc page worth of ranting about absolutely nothing.

JD2005 Yeah, it's like the song runs through your head... 😂

GemHeart Lol that sounds really awesome tho!

ammyk What a legend.

lunamoonlight Lol




JD2005 You seem to be really over-excited, lol. 😂

ammyk I listened to it. It was a good song, but the part that stood out to me the most is that one of the commenters was named Fire Breathing Chicken Duck.

lunamoonlight XD. It is good

"I'm just gonna pretend that this gon' end on a good note
But it's not a good note, it's never a good note"
"It's kinda funny how it all works out for me
No, no, no, I don't wanna see
It all come crashin' down, I know it's gonna crash down
Yeah, but not right now
It's kinda funny how it all works out"
"Hello always ends with goodbye
How would I know this time's not different if I don't even try?"
"So I'll just keep pretending this will end on a good note
But it's not a good note, it's never a good note
But I'll keep my eyes closed
Pretend like I don't know how this is gonna go
'Cause it's not a good note, it's never a good note"
-How It All Works Out by Faouzia

lunamoonlight Powerful vocals, powerful words. I love Faouzia.

JD2005 👍🏻

Faouzia's vocal range is so wide. She can hit countertenor notes, which is where she sounds like an actual guy, and she can go all the way to a mezzo-soprano/soprano range. The 4 female voice types are soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, and countertenor. Countertenor is literally the equivalent of a guy's tenor voice, which is the higher of the main guy's voice types. Alto and mezzo-soprano are basic ranges. The soprano is the highest possible voice type. Faouzia can hit all of them. Most people stay in one or maybe two ranges and no more. But Faouzia is... wow. Kinda like SVRCINA but way more range.

lunamoonlight And this is all in ONE SONG.

JD2005 :O

(Everything either wouldn't load or showed offline, even tho my internet connection was strong, reloaded PC)

JD2005 Congratulations.

ammyk Yay!

Me signing up for websites-
Luna St. Moon
Email- (gmail already taken)
Okay... example@example.con (Oki!)
April 19 2000
*looks at options*(options are male, female, or animal)
I am a wolf today.
Sign up.

(Email address does not exist)

lunamoonlight It wouldn't let me sign up at all... booooo

lunalovegoodmolly w h a t t h e h e c k k i n d a w e b s i t e w a s t h i s ?

lunamoonlight gaiaonline dream avatar maker

ammyk How rude of them.

KnightStar There's only a bear, dog and bunny option! I mistakenly chose bunny, and it took me awhile to change my gender.

Queeny no don't choose animal-

JD2005 😅

lunamoonlight Why not? I was only gonna use it one time so why not

Queeny with animals you have limited clothing options compared to humans, and sometimes the price is raised for animal clothes T.T

lunamoonlight Eh.

I feel like nowadays I don't draw OCs anymore. I just draw whatever. I do have OCs, like Arwyn, RN (Arwyn and RN I forgot how to spell a little, but they're the twins), Isabell, Kera, and Jackie. Honestly, they were a lot to draw. RN and Arwyn had dragon wings dragon scales, bi-colored hair, and RN had a dragon eye usually covered with her hair. Isabell had bi-colored hair too, and I need to make a different outfit for her, it's the same as RN's. Jackie had tri-color hair and would never be in a normal pose. Then Kera... katanas, wolf ears (depends on the picture), and a QuIrCkY red hair streak and scarf. I had been in my OC machine faze creating them..

For some reason, when i went to add a Wattpad book to my library, it said Mi Biblioteca (Privada) instead of My Library (Private). I don't know why Wattpad is speaking Spanish, but okay.

lunamoonlight Okay why is everything in Spanish now...

lunamoonlight Okay, i reloaded, no more Spanish. What the heck.

JD2005 😂

lunamoonlight Oh, the story was by an author who was mainly Spanish and i think that did something..

KnightStar I went to my Twitter. Nothing in Arabic, I don't follow anyone that's an Arab. And everything was in Arabian. And when I reloaded it, it was in Hindu! LOL.

lunamoonlight Odd Knight
Goodbye always starts with hello
That's why I don't trust anyone that walks through the door
But I'll throw that out the window
I'm just gonna pretend that this gon' end on a good note
But it's not a good note, it's never a good note
But I'll keep my eyes closed
I can't see the end, so I pretend it's sweet
Until it crashes down, I know it's gonna crash down
Yeah, but not right now
It's kinda funny how it all works out for me
No, no, no, I don't wanna see
It all come crashin' down, I know it's gonna crash down
Yeah, but not right now
It's kinda funny how it all works out
Hello always ends with goodbye
How would I know this time's not different if I don't even try?
They'll make believe it's fun sometimes
So I'll just keep pretending this will end on a good note
But it's not a good note, it's never a good note
But I'll keep my eyes closed
Pretend like I don't know how this is gonna go
'Cause it's not a good note, it's never a good note
I can't see the end, so I pretend it's sweet
Until it crashes down, I know it's gonna crash down
Yeah, but not right now
It's kinda funny how it all works out for me
No, no, no, I don't wanna see
It all come crashin' down, I know it's gonna crash down
Yeah, but not right now
It's kinda funny how it all works out
I can't see the end, so I pretend it's sweet
Until it crashes down, I know it's gonna crash down
Yeah, but not right now
It's kinda funny how it all works out for me
No, no, no, I don't wanna see
It all come crashin' down, I know it's gonna crash down
Yeah, but not right now
It's kinda funny how it all works out

lunamoonlight Reminds me a bit of Ponyboy when he made himself believe Johnny wasn't involved.

JD2005 👍🏻

Look around you- If you take "The ______" and put any object in the blank, you have a title for a horror movie.

JD2005 The Mirror... Sounds good lol.

forgxtten YES OMG

lunamoonlight The Mirror would be a good one

GemHeart The Towel? Uh The Razor, uh the Perfume Bottle— I give up, my bathroom has no inspo 👍🏻

lunamoonlight The Razor could be a good one, so could The Perfume Bottle, not sure about The Towel

lunamoonlight This kinda works because you can kill someone with anything