Well. My teacher gave a loaded writing prompt. Every week in English, we have a free writing assignment, in which she chooses a prompt. This week, it was "Write about a recent conflict you dealt with in your life". Ha. Haha. Yeah... I chose the argument with my dad about the dog. I wrote maybe a little over a doc page. I'm sure she was expecting kids to write about the pandemic or having to do online school for a couple of weeks. Nope. I did my dad. That was a loaded prompt to have. Another loaded one she did last week was "Dread: Write about doing something you don't want to do". I did that on perfectionistic writer's block for essays. Another 2/3 of a doc page. I write well when I have the freedom to, otherwise, structured or planned writing freaks me out, I can't write like that.
Pumpkin "structured or planned writing freaks me out, I can't write like that."
Pumpkin Same.
KatanaSwordSerpent Aha, same.